On this page we describe the way we manage the site referring to treatment of user personal data that we consult and for their privacy. It is a  brief that is based on the sense of art. 13 of D. Lgs. n. 196/2003 and the European Regulation a679/2016 – norm concerning the Protection of Personal Data, for those who interact with TOP DIGITEX s.r.l. web services, accessible through data communication with this address: corresponding to the initial page of the official TOP DIGITEX s.r.l. site. 

The brief is only for the present site and not for other web sites eventually consulted by the user through links.

The brief is inspired by Raccomandazione n. 2/2001 which the European authorities for the protection of personal data reunited with the Group instituted by art. 29 of the directive n. 95/46/CE adopted on 17 May 2001 to individuate several minimum requisites and in particular the way, time and nature of information that owners of data processing can furnish to users when they go on the web page independent of on line motives.


Following consultation of this site we can withhold data relative to identified or identifiable persons. The “Owner”of data processing of personal data, eventually withheld following consultation with our site and any other data utilized to supply our services is TOP DIGITEX s.r.l. via Roma, 21 – 22070 Senna Comasco (CO).


Withholding connected to web services of this site [physically placed “in hosting” with Aruba S.p.A. (“”)]  are located at the aforesaid seat and managed only by technical personnel of the Office charged with data processing or eventually charged with occasional maintenance operations.

The personal data supplied by the user who sends a request for logistical services or to send informative material (communications, newsletter, recordings, etc.) are used only to provide service or activity requested and are not communicated to third parties except in the following possible cases:

  • persons, associations or professional offices that are active, assist or consult with TOP DIGITEX s.r.l. for accounting, administration, legal consul, fiscal and/or management in general;
  • subjects who have the right to access data both recognized by law or by order by authorities.



Navigation data

Computer systems and software procedures meant for functioning this web site acquire, during their normal activity, personal data whose transmission is implicit to the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that hasn’t been gathered from identified individuals but by their own nature could, through elaboration and association with data withheld from third parties, allow them to identify the users. This category of data includes IP addresses or names in dominion of the computer utilized by users who connect to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to make the request to the server, the dimension of the file obtained in answer, the code number indicating the state of the response data of the server (good result, error, etc.) and other parameters relative to the operating system and the computer environment of the user. This data is used only to gain anonymous statistical data about the use of the site to control its correct function and are cancelled following elaboration. The data could be used to determine responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crime damaging the site: except for this eventuality, data on web contacts don’t remain for more than two years.

Data furnished willingly by the user

Willing, explicit and voluntary e-mails sent to the addresses indicated on this site mean the successive acquisition of the senders address necessary to respond to the requests as well as eventual personal data inserted in the message. The data will be conserved only for the subscription request for the newsletter or special offers or commercial information and will not be communicated to anyone. Specific briefs or synthesis will be progressively reported or visualized in the site pages set up for particular request services.

We don’t gather or use the personal information related to visitors to the web site. Visitors remain anonymous.

Request for contact

In case of request for contact on the web site, the user must furnish his name, eventual denomination of the company reference, e-mail address and telephone number. TOP DIGITEX s.r.l. will use this information only to elaborate the request and send specific relevant information for its confirmation.

The information furnished will not be utilized for commercial purposes and will not be sold, sent, conceded in license or sent to third parties in any way. In any case the administrator of the site insures the scrupulous adoption of procedures to protect the navigating data and the use of particular care to protect all data furnished upon request of contact.

Management of Personal Data Gathered from Personal Curriculum Vitae

The TOP DIGITEX s.r.l. company accepts personal computerized Curriculum Vitae of eventual candidates by e-mail. The spontaneous and voluntary sending of the Curriculum will be considered implicitly as informed consensus of the present privacy policy, granted by the sender, concerning withholding personal data reported exclusively adhering to the aims connected to the selection of potential candidates.

The withheld data used to select the candidates is of a personal nature, useful for finding the particular profile required. In general the nature of the personal data is common, with the exception of eventual cases where there is sensitive data necessary to find particular requisites foreseen by current law, as an indication of having to do with particular protected categories, suitability for certain work and/or obligatory introduction with respect to the limits indicated by Autorizzazioni Generali del Garante n. 1 e 2 del 15 December 2016 (Reg. Provv. n 523 od 15 December 2016 Published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 303 from 29 December 2016).

Conferring data related to the selection of candidates is obligatory. The eventual refusal to furnish data makes it impossible to effect a regular selection process and eventual assumption. The data implied will not be communicated to anyone. 

Overall Norms for sending Curriculum Vitae

Eventual Curriculum Vitae received spontaneously, responding to an ad or upon our request will be archived directly in specific withheld personal data files according to directives concerning safety of personal data adopted respecting the minimum safety measures of Capitolo V Capo I e II del Codice 196/03 e del Capo IV Sez. 2 del RGP
D 679/2016. These will be printed only for a meeting and interview with said individual. After the job interview, if the candidate is not selected, the CV will be cancelled and/or kept for a maximum of 24 months.

In all other cases, following a reasonable period, coherent with the type of company, the CV will be cancelled or destroyed.



In this site technologies are used which involve the use of cookies which have diverse aims, amongst these to authenticate information or monitor sessions and memorize specific techniques information regarding users that approach the Aruba server who manage the service and maintenance of the site.

We invite you to read the document that covers technical, analytic and third party cookies working to improve global user navigation:


Personal data is withheld with automated instruments for the time strictly necessary to meet the aims for which they were gathered indicated in the present brief. Specific safety measures are observed to prevent loss of data, unlawful or incorrect use or access to unauthorized individuals.


The owner of withholding is TOP DIGITEX s.r.l. via Roma 21, 22070 Senna Comasco (CO), the person responsible for withholding is Mr. Matteo Torri. To such persons you can turn in whatever moment to exercise your rights as foreseen by articolo 7 della legge 196/03 and in the Capo III del GDPR 679/2016, in particular, the right to confirm existence of data that regard them and the withholding logic which they undergo, the right to request integration, the right to oppose their withholding for legitimate reasons as well as the right to request their correction, updating, cancellation or blocking if withheld in violation of the law, rights of transportability of said data, presenting a specific petition through e-mail address: In addition it is possible to exercise the right of complaint to the authorities Guaranteeing Privacy as foreseen by law.


The present brief on privacy can be consulted automatically with the more recent browser which use standard P3P (Plattform for privacy Preferences Project”) proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium ( All efforts will be made to make the functionality of this site inter-operable with automatic privacy control mechanisms  available in several products used by the user. 

Considering the state of perfection of automatic control mechanisms they still are not without errors and disfunction as described in the present document published at the address is costituisc the “Privacy Policy” of this site which can be subject to updating.